CAP: « My name Caperino means small caper. Guess why? The official reason is because I’m dying for caper pizzas.
Are we supposed to tell our birth dates too? »

PEP: « Poverinoooo!
I just want to say that my name Peperone means big peperoni, guess why? »

May 1998, Stromboli island- Italy
« Probably born out of our boredom being on vacation – a rare and destabilizing situation for us at that time – Cap & Pep were arising like to 2 shadows in the sun, in a tiny little cloud of black volcanic dust. Since there, they discretly interfered in our life and havent’ left us since then.
From one country to another, from one house to the another, from one object to another, they carry with them their naive vision of the world which is sometimes also ours.
It has started with some rubbers carved by Olivier, that he offered Florence who used them to tell short stories , on school notebook bought at the grocery – stationary shop in Stromboli.
While in the meantime, in bright backlight, silhouettes of real dogs snoop around the beach and real ants follow the motorways of jam … »
Kuntzel + Deygas
creators of Cap & Pep

Kuntzel+Deygas other websites:
And thank you Violette Chatiliez for the graphic design of the website